
Plant photography

Photos of Indigenous plants from places I visit and spend time in

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country

Draw Plants Together

Plant drawing workshops I run that provide opportunities to connect with others and get creative and that raise awareness around plants in our lived environments

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country / drawing by me / Bubline bulbosa (Bulbine Lily)


Plantish conversations with people who love Indigenous plants

Wurundjeri Country / photo D Granados

VINC (Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Cooperative)

Visual documentation of seed trials

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country / seed trials at VINC (Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Coorperative)


Gardens for Wildlife

Documentation of my experience as Garden Guide volunteer / Yarra City Council

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country / backyard planting / Patersonia occidentalis (Native Iris) and hover fly

Indigenous Plant Wildlife Corridor

Community Consultation at Reynard Street Community Garden as part of City of Merri-bek Seeds of Change Mentorship Program

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country / Reynard Street Community Garden / Coburg / collage and drawing by Naomi Indigo / Plant Shapes Workshop at RSNH Placemaking Festival / November 2023

Art Classes

Moments from Visual Art classes I teach at Reynard Street Neighbourhood House / Coburg

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country / ink drawing of flower spike of Dianella tasmanica (Flax Lily) by Janette Xerri / Introduction to Visual Art / Reynard Street Neighbourhood House / Coburg

Personal Projects

A collection of personal musings and creative activities

Distribution of Eucalyptus camaldulensis / river red gum / image adapted / sourced from CSIRO